Coduce helps companies create different and 
new perspectives

Using the chaos to create new horizons and getting you and your company to your new destination.

How can we help you?

Our services


Advice on and review of current or newly developed business models, tooling and products with respect to regulatory requirements, effectiveness, efficiency and digitization, both in a practical and creative way.

Product development

Through experience and technology we co-develop products and services ranging from (risk)models, lending products, client outreach modules to data (refresh) products.

Project management

We optimize and transform business processes, manage large projects or programs and help accelerate your company’s (digital) transformation. We are able to manage entire projects or fill key positions to fuel the necessary transformation.


We have developed a large network of outstanding professionals in various fields that can be just what you need to help you reach your goals.

Who are we?

About us

Coduce helps companies create different and new perspectives. Together we can strategize on new horizons and get you in the driversseat of your company’s future. Transform, hold on to what adds value and let go of what does not. This will result in operational exellence, high customer satisfaction and empowered employees.

Want to know more?

Our most recent blogs

21/04/2023 •

5 min

Faster AML KYC: Real Estate
03/02/2023 •

5 min

Backtesting in Ongoing Due Diligence
03/02/2023 •

5 min

Compliance by Design
Want to work with us?

Our jobs

Do you want your colleagues to be your partners? Sparring partners with whom you can make the best plan while putting a smile on each others faces? Do you want to work on interesting and challenging projects? You can join us indefinetly or cooperate with us as a contractor for one of our customers. Just have a look at our vacancies and reach out to us.

Get in contact now to learn how we create the future of your company together

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