Who are we?

About us

Coduce helps companies create different and new perspectives. Together we can strategize on new horizons and get you in the driversseat of your company’s future. Transform, hold on to what adds value and let go of what does not. This will result in operational exellence, high customer satisfaction and happy employees.

Who are we?

Our Pillars of Creation




Create & Innovate

Imagine the best product you’ve ever dreamed of… Why just dream about it? Let’s make it happen together!
Get in contact now to learn how we create the future of your company together
A good idea is nothing without good execution. We can show you the steps!
What we do?


People tend to make things unnecessarily complicated. Simplicity is the most difficult thing to master, because there are so many variables influencing and clouding our vision and judgement. Coduce helps companies create different and new perspectives. We do this via different services such as advisory, projectmanagement and productmanagement & development. Discover how we can help you and your company reach your destination.

Get to know the faces behind Coduce?

Our team of fixers

Robbert van Dijk


Robbert is one of the co-founders of Coduce. He tends to work with clients and teams as the fixer; 

His role is to be creative, make fast decisions, while thinking of and executing a strategy that holds long-term value.

Silven van den Berg


Silven is one the co-founders of Coduce. He is a creative, pragmatic and strategic thinker who strives for simplicity instead of overcomplicating things. He has a clear vision on innovation and believes in eco-systems over ego-systems.

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